ESG Education,
Research & Entrepreneurship.

We advance a more sustainable and inclusive economy by developing ESG knowledge in the community, and by furthering non-financial research that forges a holistic vision of the economy.

Supporting ESG Education, Research & Entrepreneurship is a part of our identity.
Advancing the understanding of a sustainable and inclusive economy in academia and in finance, is for us the first logical pillar of our philanthropy.
Wim Van Hyfte Global Head of ESG Investments and Research

ESG: Supporting top-quality research and educating the broad community

We train financial advisers, intermediaries, the general public, and all our employees on ESG issues in investment choices and their impacts.

Through our academic partnerships, we support researchers and students to advance understanding of a sustainable and inclusive economy.

Our mission is to encourage ESG education and research as a natural part of assuming our responsibilities, and as the first pillar of our philanthropic initiatives.

Key figures

  • 769k€ donated to ESG Education, Research
    & Entrepreneurship
  • 14.540
    members Candriam
  • 7 Academic

Candriam Academy

Training the next generation of responsible investors

A series of training courses on sustainable finance, free of charge to the public, on integrating ESG criteria in investments and addressing the real-life impacts of our investment choices.

  • Courses designed by Candriam experts
  • An immersive and multilingual digital experience
  • Content constantly enriched
Link to website
Candriam Academy

The first free-access accredited training

Graphic: XXX

ESG research

Moving the world forward

A holistic vision of the economy is part of our responsibility as asset managers.

  • A community of researchers and students linked through our European academic partnerships
  • Research focused on sustainable finance

Academic partnerships

We contribute to academic research through the financing of academic chairs, the defence of theses and PhD students to encourage innovations leading to a sustainable and inclusive society.

Supporting Academic
Projects on
Sustainable Investing

  • A Just Transition

    Three-year “Sustainability, Investment, Inclusion and Impact” (SI3 Initiative)”

  • Circular Economy

    “Chair in Regenerative Economics”

  • Sustainable Finance

    Chair: “Finance Reconsidered: Addressing Sustainable Economic Development”

  • Sustainable Finance

    "Vlerick Centre for Sustainable Finance"

  • The Research Initiative FDIR

    "Chaire de recherche “Finance Durable et Investissement Responsable"

  • Sustainable Development Goals

    "Master in Management of Sustainable Development Goals"

  • Climate Change

    "Imperial College London – Climate Investment Challenge (CIC)"

  • Measurement in Economics, Nowcasting – Beyond GDP

    "Paris School of Economics (PSE)"



Projects & charities previously supported