The Candriam Institute
for Sustainable Development.

Drivers for a
positive change

4 key areas for positive change

The Institute’s annual report is out

Throughout the year, the Candriam Institute for Sustainable Development diligently selects and initiates projects that drive meaningful change.

In 2023, we proudly supported 43 projects across more than 20 countries, guided by our four core pillars: Protecting the Environment; ESG Education, Research & Entrepreneurship; Social Inclusion & Solidarity; Fight Against Cancer.

This 2023 report highlights our achievements and celebrates our dedicated partners, whose invaluable efforts transform our contributions into tangible, on-the-ground benefits.

Read the report.


  • Main General Strategies with Sustainable Objectives

    Equities, Bonds, Asset Allocation

  • Thematic

    Regenerative, Climate, Transport & Mobility, Youth, Fight Against Cancer

  • €3.2million

    donations for 2023*

*donations for 2023 are paid in 2023 and 2024


Balanced portfolio across four impacted areas

Donations have a Pan-European Scope with international accents


Rigorous selection process

The Board of the Candriam Institute oversees a rigorous selection and validation process of organizations and initiatives to be supported . A Due Diligence process seeks to ascertain the quality of supported initiatives, taking into account following criteria:

  • Creation of positive social impact through educational, research, social and environmental projects
  • Local or global initiatives, primarily in Candriam’s operating countries
  • Alignment with the Institute’s objective and values
  • Pragmatic and relevant allocation of resources (in financial and organisational terms)
  • Reliability and quality of the organisation, including in terms of governance

Candriam’s Compliance department supervises the analysis of the organizations/initiatives from AML-TF, Corruption, Conflict of Interest and reputational risks point of view. Compliance formalizes its opinion for the Institute Board.
For grass-roots, social projects (global commitment across projects around € 200 K per annum), the Institute Board has delegated the selection and follow-up process to Candriam’s staff-sponsored “ Helping-Those-Who-Help (“HTWH” ) Selection Committee”

Active Candriam Staff Involvement

Candriam Strategic Committee

Approval & Endorsement of Institute General Policy and Governance

Candriam Institute for Sustainable Development

Board: Candriam staff

  • General orientation, objectives & criteria for social impact & philanthropy
  • Oversight of selection & donation process
  • Oversight of reporting

Institute Board Meeting

  • Validation of selected social impact initiatives & donated amounts
  • Yearly review of initiatives & of reporting

Helping Those Who Help Committee

  • Staff driven selection of small-scale, grass roots projects

Client Solutions & Product Committees

  • Donation-themes relevant for fund value propositions
  • Reflect Institute commitments in fund prospectus & collateral, when relevant

Candriam Staff – Sponsors & Experts

  • Idea generation & sourcing for candidates
  • Contribute to due diligence and monitoring
  • Support for legal, financial, reporting & communication aspects

Our drivers
for the Institute

ESG Education, Research & Entrepreneurship

Constant enrichment of training courses and opening up to additional countries and people

Support for high-quality academic research that drives innovation

See the page

Social inclusion and solidarity

Continue to support organisations working in the long term to fight against poverty and exclusion

Support young people, take on more pro bono initiatives

See the page

Protect the environment

For the climate, back international projects that respond to climate issues

For a circular economy, take action to change behaviour

See the page

Fight against Cancer

Increase contribution to research and innovation

See the page