Candriam used 2021 to further progress along its CSR roadmap. More ambitious goals were added to the mission to create a positive impact on the environment and society. The challenge is to be the best corporate citizen possible, for all stakeholders. Last year Candriam committed to a 50% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions across a significant share of the investment portfolio by 2030, and to net zero emissions by 2050 or sooner.
Another priority in 2021 was to further improve diversity and inclusion at Candriam - in that respect the signing of the FEBELFIN(1) “Gender Diversity in Finance” charter represented an important milestone.
At Candriam we place sustainability at the core of our business model with two areas of focus: as a responsible and active asset manager we want our investments to contribute to sustainable growth, and as a responsible company we develop high-standard sustainability practices for ourselves towards all our stakeholders and across our value chain.
A CSR roadmap is a long journey: monitoring targets, analysing the evolution of KPIs, and establishing new directions. The important thing is to maintain the ambition.
The 2021 report describes the targets and the many initiatives deployed to keep moving forward on this CSR journey.
For 2021 the Candriam Institute donated 2.9mln€ to programs creating a positive societal impact. Philanthropy is deeply embedded in our corporate culture, with Staff actively involved in proposing initiatives for over 20 years. The CSR report describes our approach and gives further details on the many projects we support.
(1) FEBELFIN is the federation of Belgian financial institutions, is the most important representative of the Belgian financial world at national and international level.